Simultaneous Elections: Positive Aspect That Make India To Grow

Simultaneous elections in India aim to synchronize Lok Sabha and state assemblies, promoting efficiency, cost reduction, and enhanced governance . Read more...
Simultaneous Elections: Positive Aspect That Make India To Grow
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The concept of "One Nation, One Election" in India, also known as Simultaneous or Jamili elections, has several positive aspects. Mainly this concept aims to synchronize elections for the Lok Sabha and state assemblies, promoting efficiency, reducing costs, and enhancing governance. Simultaneous elections would make both central and state governments accountable at the same time for their actions.

Advantages of One Nation, One Election

·         Increased Efficiency: Simultaneous elections would ease the burden on administrative and security forces, allowing them to focus on governance rather than election duties. Due to frequent elections, the governance is often overshadowed by campaigning. After the ONOE, the Union and State governments can focus on policy and administration by holding elections at the same time, avoiding interruptions from multiple election cycles. With simultaneous elections, all the administrative mechanisms right form Panchayat to Union government can focus on policy implementation and development work, rather than being in constant election mode.

·         Decreased Cost and Resources: The economic impact of frequent elections has significantly increased. In comparison, the initial general elections in 1951-52 required approximately Rs 11 crore, while the 2019 elections needed an estimated Rs 60,000 crore. ONOE could cut down on these expenses and improve the efficiency of resource utilization, particularly with regards to law enforcement officers heavily engaged in election responsibilities. Conducting elections simultaneously would significantly reduce the financial burden on the government. The cost of conducting separate elections for the Lok Sabha and state assemblies is estimated to be around Rs. 5,000 crore.

·         Stable State Finances: State governments may experience reduced pressure to introduce populist measures or giveaways to secure voter backing due to less frequent elections, resulting in improved financial stability. Better Coordination: Simultaneous elections would promote better coordination between the central and state governments, leading to more effective policy implementation.

·         Check to Political corruption: Regular elections lead to on-going fundraising, which may encourage corrupt behaviour. ONOE could lessen this by reducing the frequency of election campaigns needed within a five-year period.

·         Streamlined Voting Process: Holding elections at the same time could simplify voter registration, alleviating problems like names being absent from voter lists. Enhanced Voter Turnout: Simultaneous elections could lead to increased voter turnout, as people would only need to cast their ballots once.

·         Reduced Model Code of Conduct Interruptions: The Model Code of Conduct would be in effect for a shorter duration, minimizing disruptions to governance.
