In the aftermath of explosive allegations made by ruling LDF MLA P V Anvar against senior police officers, including ADGP (Law and Order) M R Ajith Kumar, the legislator met with Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan to discuss the charges. Anvar accused the ADGP and other officers of engaging in criminal activities, and after the meeting, he informed the media that he had provided a detailed briefing to the Chief Minister, along with a written account of the allegations. He expressed hope for a fair investigation and revealed plans to meet with CPM state secretary M V Govindan to submit a memorandum on the matter.
In response to the allegations, the Home Department has formed a special investigation team led by DGP Shaikh Darvesh Sahib. However, the team’s composition, with all members being of a lower rank than the ADGP, has raised concerns about the integrity of the investigation. When asked whether Ajith Kumar should be removed from his position to ensure a fair inquiry, Anvar remarked that such decisions were not within his purview.
The Nilambur MLA, who previously likened Ajith Kumar to notorious gangster Dawood Ibrahim, appeared more restrained after his meeting with the Chief Minister. Sources suggest that Pinarayi Vijayan advised Anvar to avoid making further public statements on the matter. Anvar claimed that a faction within the police had tarnished the force’s reputation, a concern he had conveyed to the government. He stated, "As a comrade, I have fulfilled my duty. Now, it is the government's turn to act."
Anvar had also made serious allegations against the Chief Minister's political secretary, P Sasi, accusing him of shielding police officers involved in criminal activities. However, when questioned whether he had discussed these concerns with the Chief Minister, the MLA declined to comment.
Over the past few days, Anvar has repeatedly accused ADGP Ajith Kumar of various illegal activities, including phone tapping, associating with gold smuggling gangs, and involvement in murder cases. In response, Ajith Kumar wrote a letter to the Chief Minister and the DGP, requesting a thorough investigation into the charges against him.
Meanwhile, opposition leader V D Satheeshan reiterated the demand for a CBI probe into the allegations raised by the LDF MLA, emphasizing the need for an impartial investigation to maintain public trust in the police force and the government’s commitment to justice.