On Sunday, BY Vijayendra held a party meeting with senior leaders in Vijayapura district. Former ministers Murugesh Nirani, Chandrashekhar Kavatagi, SK Bellubbi, Suresh Biradar, Vijugowda Patil, and MP Ramesh Jigajinagi were among the leaders who attended the meeting. The meeting comes after several prominent party leaders called for action against Basangouda Patil Yatnal over his comments against senior party leaders.
Speaking to reporters, B.Y. Vijayendra said I make it clear that the government is free to order any probe. I don’t want the government to show any sympathy to the Yediyurappa family while conducting the investigation. I don’t fear any probe; the BJP was keeping silent about Yatnal’s allegations against the former chief minister, B.S. Yediyurappa. He stated that reactions come only when the charges are genuine. PM Modi, BJP National President JP Nadda, and other leaders have blessed me as state president, not my father, BS Yediyurappa. There is no need to express compassion for Yatnal. I will decide after documents are produced to justify his allegations.
Reacting to the Yatnal allegation, CM Siddaramaiah assured that the government would probe cases related to corruption, including those concerning PSI recruitment, based on the details and documents provided to the respective commissions.