Temperatures in North Tamil Nadu could rise by up to 3 degrees Celsius during the next five days, says the Chennai Meteorological Department. Similarly, the Meteorological Department anticipates light rain in a few locations in South Tamil Nadu over the next five days. The current year's summer heat is becoming more intense than the previous year's. The heat is particularly intense in Tamil Nadu's northern districts and people are suffering due to the high temperatures. Individuals are afraid to go out in the afternoon.
As a result, traffic is reduced in the afternoons. The Meteorological Center has said before that the impact of heat would be greater than usual between April and June, with heat waves likely in South, Central, and North West India. An increase of five degrees: As a result, a heat wave has begun to spread across southern India, including Tamil Nadu. Even before the blistering heat arrives, many parts of Tamil Nadu are experiencing temperatures that are 2 to 5 degrees above usual. People are suffering as the heat increases day by day. In this case, the weather will be dry in North Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry and Karaikal today.
The Next Five days in TN
The Chennai Meteorological Department stated that the weather will be dry in North Tamil Nadu, Karaikal and Pondicherry in the next 5 days, with a chance of rain in a few spots in the southern districts. Temperatures in Tamil Nadu's interior districts can reach 30-50% in the afternoon, 40-75% at other times, and 50-85% around the coast. High temperatures and humidity can cause discomfort in a few places.
In Chennai, the sky will be partly cloudy for the next 24 hours. The highest temperature would be between 37 and 38 degrees Celsius, and the minimum temperature will be around 28 degrees Celsius. In a few places in Tamil Nadu's interior districts, the maximum temperature was 3°-4° Celsius more than normal. It was above normal along Tamil Nadu's coastline and close to normal in Pondicherry and Karaikal. The highest temperatures recorded were 42.2°C at Erode, 41.5°C at Karur Paramathi, 41.0°C at Salem, 40.8°C at Vellore, 40.6°C at Trichy, 40.2°C at Madurai Airport and Tirupattur, and 40.0°C at Tiruthani.
Rain fell in a few districts yesterday, including Kanyakumari, Coimbatore, and Erode and Kanyakumari experienced the highest rainfall at 4 cm. It also rained at Kumari's Napaparai, Bhootapandi, Balamore, Damketangu Mukkadal Dam, and Mambazthurayar. Rain also fell at Erode.
Rain will be possible in South Tamil Nadu for the next five days. Light rain is expected in Kumari, Tenkasi, Thoothukudi, Nellai, Virudhunagar, Theni, Trichy, Erode, Coimbatore, and the Nilgiris, according to the Chennai Meteorological Department.