Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan has expressed hope that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the disaster-stricken Wayanad district on Saturday will lead to a favorable response from the Centre regarding the state’s demand for a comprehensive rehabilitation package. The devastating landslides that have ravaged Wayanad prompted the state government to appeal to the Union Government to declare the disaster a national calamity.
Addressing a press conference on Thursday, Vijayan confirmed that the Prime Minister will personally assess the situation in Wayanad. The Union Home Ministry has already constituted a nine-member committee to evaluate the impact of the disaster and submit a report. The Chief Minister noted that the Union Government has shown a positive response to the state's request for a rehabilitation package.
Vijayan outlined the immediate measures taken by the state government, including the disbursement of financial aid from the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) to those affected by the landslides. An initial amount has been allocated to provide relief to the families of the deceased, with each family set to receive ₹10 lakh in compensation. Those injured will receive financial assistance ranging from ₹50,000 to ₹2 lakh, depending on the severity of their injuries.
The Chief Minister also highlighted the government's efforts to provide temporary shelter for people whose homes have been completely destroyed. Farmers who have lost crops and livestock will be compensated to help them rebuild their livelihoods. Additionally, small businesses and shops that have been destroyed will receive financial assistance to restart their operations.
Vijayan acknowledged the crucial role played by the Indian Army and Navy in the rescue operations, led by Major General V. T. Mathew. Although their mission in Wayanad is now complete, the Chief Minister emphasized that their contributions will not be forgotten.