Children and adults more likely to transmit JN.1: WHO

Doctors say that JN.1 is spreading the infection only when the body's immunity is low. Older people and children should exercise greater caution
Children and adults more likely to transmit JN.1: WHO
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Concerns about the new strain of Corona have increased again. This new variant of the Corona JN.1 subspecies has been found in several districts, including Kolkata. The number of victims is increasing. A few days ago, a new sub variant of corona was found in the body of a 6-month-old child in the city. Doctors say that JN.1 is spreading the infection only when the body's immunity is low. Older people and children should exercise greater caution.

According to the WHO, the mutation of Pirola, or BA.2.86, is JN.1. It is not yet clear whether the COVID vaccine is able to prevent infection with this strain. Therefore, it is important to follow special precautions to prevent infection in children. It is important to wear a mask when out on the street, to cover the nose and mouth while sneezing and coughing, and to stay in isolation if you are sick or have symptoms. If anyone has a fever or shortness of breath, they should see a doctor immediately.

Guidelines for children:

Face masks are mandatory from 5 to 18 years of age. Children under the age of five should consult a doctor if they want to wear masks. Parents need to take care.

If anyone has obesity, type 1 diabetes, or a chronic cardiopulmonary disease, regular checkups should be done. Children should be more careful if they already have a history of complex diseases or comorbidities.

It is best for children to stay at home as much as possible. Public transport should be avoided at this time. It is better for children to wear non-medical, three-layer fabric masks instead of surgical masks.

Some signs can tell people if they have a COVID infection. For example, mild fever, cold-cough, children will not want to eat food, will become weak, and drowsiness will always come. If such symptoms occur, oxygen levels should be checked. If the oxygen level drops below 95%, then consult a doctor without delay.

Antimicrobial drugs or prophylactic drugs should not be given in cases of asymptomatic or mild infections. Antimicrobial drugs can be given only on the advice of a doctor if the viral load is very high, but in certain doses. In cases of mild infection, paracetamol doses may be given to children with fever.

Children have a COVID infection, but it is mild. In that case, it is better to stay in isolation at home. Parents need to pay more attention to cleanliness. Children should gargle in warm water; children over two years of age should be brushed in the morning and at night. It is better to make children above five years of age do pranayama and light yoga. The breathing speed will be normal.

Hand washing and mutual distance should be kept in mind. Children should be fed nutritious food.

The infection can spread to children from adults in the house. So adults should be careful. If you understand any symptoms, you should go to isolation immediately.
