On Thursday, the West Bengal BJP orchestrated a significant protest march demanding justice for the young woman doctor allegedly raped and murdered at R G Kar Medical College and Hospital. The protest began at Hudco crossing and was headed toward Swasthya Bhawan, the state health department’s headquarters in Salt Lake.
The march saw a large turnout of doctors, BJP members, and activists, including many women. They expressed their outrage and grief over the tragic incident, chanting slogans such as "We want justice." The rally aimed to highlight the perceived failures of the state government and the health department in addressing the case.
BJP leader Dilip Ghosh criticized the state government and R G Kar Hospital, accusing them of trying to suppress the truth and tamper with evidence. Ghosh stated, "We want the truth to come out, and we want justice. The state health department and R G Kar Hospital have attempted to remove the evidence."
The protest was sparked by the discovery of the doctor’s body on August 9. Following the incident, Kolkata police arrested a civic volunteer on August 10. The Calcutta High Court intervened on August 13, ordering the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to take over the investigation. The CBI began its probe on August 14.
Despite heavy police barricades set up near Indira Bhawan in Salt Lake to prevent the marchers from reaching Swasthya Bhawan, the protest continued under the leadership of top BJP figures. The demonstration underscored the escalating demand for justice and accountability in the face of violence against women in West Bengal.