In a groundbreaking development, the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) has inked a monumental ₹1,500 crore deal with the World Bank. This financial infusion aims to bolster flood resilience measures and modernize the extensive network of stormwater drains, known as Rajakaluves, in Bengaluru.
The funding underscores BBMP's commitment to address the city's persistent flooding issues during the monsoon season. With a focus on infrastructure enhancement, the BBMP has successfully stabilized its finances in recent years, clearing historical debts, and reclaiming encumbered properties.
The allocated funds will primarily be directed towards revitalizing 173 kilometers of Rajakaluves, complementing the 400 kilometers already refurbished. This transformative project seeks to convert canal banks into aesthetically pleasing and functional urban spaces.
Moreover, the loan will support initiatives such as lake revitalization, desilting, drainage enhancements, and preventing sewage seepage into water bodies. These comprehensive efforts form a strategic plan to effectively manage Bengaluru's flooding challenges.
In parallel, BBMP Jalmandal is poised to receive a significant ₹1,000 crore boost from the World Bank. This financial injection will expedite the implementation of an underground drainage system and the construction of sewage treatment plants, among other critical infrastructure upgrades.
BBMP Chief Commissioner Tushar Girinath underscored the early stages of these projects, highlighting the forthcoming development and execution of detailed plans post the conclusion of the Lok Sabha Election Model Code of Conduct (MCC). This commitment ensures transparency and accountability in the implementation process.