The Congress party will celebrate the 30th anniversary of Muslim reservation in undivided Andhra Pradesh with a series of events, culminating in a grand event on August 25. Then Chief Minister Kotla Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy gave the first Government Order (GO Ms No 30) for Muslim reservation on August 25, 1994. This action granted reservations to Muslims as well as fourteen other marginalized groups.
The policy's impact claims that, in spite of legal challenges, it has helped about 25 lakh Muslims by providing them with a 4% quota in employment and education between 2004 and 2005.
A five percent Muslim reservation was promised by Congress President Sonia Gandhi in the party's 2004 manifesto. Following their comeback to power, Minister Shabbir Ali and Chief Minister Dr. YS Rajasekhara Reddy instituted a 5 percent reservation under GO Ms. No 33. However, following legal disputes, this was subsequently lowered to 4 percent.
The Muslim minority has made great strides since the reservation, creating thousands of professionals and enabling political representation in local bodies.
In addition to media outreach and grassroots initiatives, the forthcoming celebrations will include a big event on August 25 that will involve participation from Muslim representatives and top Congress leaders, as well as a documentary and photo exhibition.