India’s Stance at Swiss Peace Summit: A Delicate Balancing Act

India’s role in the recent Swiss-hosted peace summit on Ukraine has drawn attention as the nation abstained from signing the joint communique.
India’s Stance at Swiss Peace Summit: A Delicate Balancing Act
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India’s role in the recent Swiss-hosted peace summit on Ukraine has drawn attention as the nation abstained from signing the joint communique. The decision came amidst Russia’s conspicuous absence, dismissing the summit as a “waste of time.” Here’s a closer look at India’s stance and the broader implications.

Seeking Pathways to Peace

Secretary (West) in the Ministry of External Affairs, Pavan Kapoor, represented India during the two-day summit. Kapoor emphasized that India’s participation aimed to explore pathways toward a negotiated settlement for the complex and pressing issue in Ukraine. While India refrained from associating with any communique or document emerging from the summit, it called for “sincere and practical engagement” between Moscow and Kyiv to achieve a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict.

Consistent Approach

“Our approach remains consistent,” Kapoor stated. “Enduring peace can only be achieved through dialogue and diplomacy.” India’s commitment to peaceful resolution underscores its belief that all stakeholders must come together to find common ground. The absence of Russia and China—both major players in the geopolitical landscape—highlighted the delicate balancing act India faced.

Joint Communique and Principles

The summit brought together delegates from over 100 countries and organizations, including several heads of state. Notably absent were Russia (uninvited) and China (opted not to attend). The joint communique issued at the summit’s conclusion was signed by 83 states and organizations. It reaffirmed signatories’ commitment to refraining from using force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state. The principles of sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity were underscored for all states, including Ukraine, within their internationally recognized borders.

India’s abstention reflects its cautious diplomacy, navigating a complex global landscape while advocating for dialogue and lasting peace. As the Ukraine conflict continues, India’s role remains pivotal in shaping the path forward.
