To create a more secure workplace for women in the Telugu film industry, actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu has requested the Telangana government to set up a sub-committee resembling the Justice K Hema Committee. This request is being made in response to the reactions of various individuals in the film industry to the report released by the Justice Hema Committee, established to tackle sexual harassment problems in the Malayalam film industry.
Samantha recently expressed her backing on social platforms, saying, "We, as women in the Telugu film sector, appreciate the Justice Hema Committee findings. We praise the on-going work of the Kerala Women's Collective (WCC) that led to the start of this initiative.”
The WCC group's endeavours to uplift women in the Malayalam film sector should be a source of motivation for the 'Voice of Women,' formed in 2019 to aid women in Telugu cinema.
The focus of the Hema Committee Report is on gender discrimination and harassment within the Malayalam film industry. Formed in 2017 following a case of sexual assault, the group, under the guidance of Justice K. Hema, examined the well-being and work environments of women. The results were presented in December 2019 and released to the public on August 19, 2024.
Major discoveries showed extensive sexual harassment, hazardous work environments, and notable wage gaps between male and female performers. Numerous women shared experiences of feeling intimidated by influential people, leading them to refrain from reporting any wrongdoings. The report suggested the creation of Internal Complaints Committees (ICCs) to promote safe reporting and the provision of gender awareness training for industry stakeholders.