" Salaar" starring Prabhas and Prithviraj Sukumaran, was one of the most eagerly awaited films of 2023. As soon as it opened in theatres, the movie created a stir. The audience has responded to "Salaar" in a big way. Salaar has surpassed Shah Rukh Khan's film Dunki to become the highest-grossing movie.
In addition to breaking numerous records, the movie is making a ferocious amount of money at the box office. On the tenth day of its release, let's find out how much money the movie has made.
Prabhas's " Salaar" was released in theatres on December 22. The King Khan movie "Dunki" and the movie clashed on the big screen. However, Prabhas' movie made a tonne of money after it beat Shah Rukh Khan's Dunki at the box office.
The movie made Rs 308 crore in its first week of release in India after opening with a massive collection of Rs 90.7 crore. The movie is currently in its second week of release. In India, "Salaar" makes Rs 9.62 crore on its second Friday of release.
Yet the movie made Rs 12.55 crore on its second Saturday, a 30.46 percent increase in revenue. In the tenth day following its release, the earnings for the second Sunday have now been revealed. Salaar has made Rs 14.50 crore, or Sunday two. As a result, India's total income for the ten days of " Salaar " increased to Rs 344.67 crore.