Anushka Sharma was recently seen at Mumbai airport after returning from London, sparking a buzz among fans and the media alike. Dressed in a stylish all-black outfit, complete with black sunglasses and her hair neatly tied in a bun, Anushka appeared in good spirits as she smiled and waved at the paparazzi. The actress briefly paused to pose for photographs before making her way to her car. However, her solo arrival without husband Virat Kohli and their children, Vamika and Akaay, has left fans curious about Kohli’s whereabouts and his return to India.
The couple has been residing in London for several months, following the birth of their son Akaay in February 2024. They also share a daughter, Vamika, born on January 11, 2021. Anushka and Virat recently attended a kirtan by renowned spiritual singer Krishna Das at Union Chapel in London, a moment Anushka shared on her Instagram Stories, highlighting their inclination towards spiritual and family-oriented activities.
Fans took to social media with a flurry of comments expressing their eagerness to know when Kohli would return to India. Questions such as “Any update on Virat?” and “When will the King return to India?” flooded the comments sections of various fan pages and paparazzi posts. Despite the curiosity and anticipation, there has been no official word on Kohli's return, keeping his fans in suspense.
Anushka Sharma, an accomplished actress known for her roles in films like "Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi," "Band Baaja Baaraat," and "Sultan," has been balancing her professional and personal life seamlessly. She is currently gearing up for her next project, "Chakda Xpress," a sports biopic based on the life of former Indian cricketer Jhulan Goswami. The film marks Anushka’s return to the big screen after a brief hiatus, and fans are eagerly awaiting its release, although the final release date is yet to be announced.
Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma, who tied the knot on December 11, 2017, in a private ceremony in Italy, have always kept a relatively low profile regarding their personal lives. They announced the birth of their son Akaay in a heartfelt Instagram post, requesting privacy and expressing their gratitude for the love and support they have received. The post stated, “With immense joy and hearts overflowing with love, we are thrilled to announce that on February 15th, we welcomed our baby boy Akaay into our lives. We also kindly request that you respect our privacy at this moment.”Love & Gratitude, Virat & Anushka.”
While Anushka has returned to India, the anticipation surrounding Kohli’s return continues to build. Fans are hopeful for an update soon, as the star cricketer remains a beloved figure in the world of sports, and his absence has only fueled the excitement for his next public appearance.