Malayalam film "Aattam: The Play" won the award for best feature film and Sooraj R Barjatya was judged best director for the Hindi movie "Uunchai" in the 70th National Film Awards for the year 2022 announced in Delhi on August 16. The awards were announced by feature film jury head Rahul Rawail.
South cinemas sweep top honours
The best actress award was shared by Nithya Menon, who got it for the Tamil film 'Thiruchitrambalam', and Manasi Parekh for the Gujarati movie "Kutch Express". The award for best actor went to Rishabh Shetty for the Kannada hit "Kantara".
Best Telugu Film ‘Karthikeya 2’
Karthikeya 2 (Daivam Manushya Rupena) has been adjudged Best Telugu Film. The film was produced by Abhishek Agarwal Arts LLP and People Media Factory. The film was directed by Chandoo Mondeti.The cast includes Nikhil Sidhartha, Anupama Parameswaran.
Neena Gupta was best supporting actress for 'Uunchai' and Pawan Malhotra best supporting actor for the Haryanvi film "Fouja". Sharmila Tagore and Manoj Bajpayee starrer "Gulmohar" won the award for Hindi film. Bajpayee also got a special mention.
AR Rahman won the National Film Award for best music director (background music) for his work in Mani Ratnam's "Ponnyin Selvan-Part 1", which was also named the best Tamil film. Pritam got the award for best music director (songs) for "Brahmastra-Part 1".
Winners' List
Best Feature Film Best Feature Film: Aattam
Best Actor: Rishab Shetty
Best Actress: Nithya Menen for Thiruchitrambalam and Manasi Parekh for Kutch Express.
Best Director: Sooraj Barjatya
Best Supporting Actress: Neena Gupta
Best Supporting Actor: Pawan Malhotra
Best Feature Film Providing Wholesome Entertainment: Kantara
Best Debut: Fouja, Pramod Kumar
Regional Film Awards
Best Telugu Film: Kartikeya 2
Best Tamil Film: Ponniyin Selvan - Part 1
Best Punjabi Film: Baaghi Di Dhee
Best Odia Film: Daman
Best Malayalam Film: Saudi Velakka CC.225/2009
Best Marathi Film: Vaalvi
Best Kannada Film: KGF: Chapter 2
Best Hindi Film: Gulmohar
Special Mentions Manoj Bajpayee: Gulmohar
Sanjoy Salil Chowdhury: Kalikhan
Technical Awards
Best Action Direction: KGF: Chapter 2
Best Choreography: Thiruchitrambalam
Best Lyrics: Fouja
Best Music Director: Pritam (Songs), AR Rahman (Background Score)
Best Makeup: Aparajito
Best Costumes: Kutchh Express
Best Production Design: Aparajito
Best Editing: Aattam
Best Sound Design: Ponniyin Selvan - Part 1
Best Screenplay: Aattam
Best Dialogues: Gulmohar
Best Cinematography: Ponniyin Selvan - Part 1
Best Female Playback: Saudi Velakka
Best Female Playback: Brahmastra